Bank accounts are total of about $750 negative & lease is behind one payment with another due.
Went through rough divorce with abusive narcissist ex husband, maxed all my credit cards so I can’t use them. Daughter I have sole custody of her father is 34,000 behind in child support & Cuyahoga county is doing nothing about it. I currently pay $1500/mo just for our rent. Food is costing me over $300/week and we rarely eat out, if we do it’s fast food. Started a debt relief program but it’s costing $350/mo and I can’t afford it. Ex husband is currently being prosecuted for felony forging my of taxes and now his attorney responded my settled divorce trying to claim contempt. I can’t even afford an attorney. Any help is greatly appreciated. I don’t know how I’m going to catch up my accounts, pay rent, car, food, and other bills plus hire an attorney to fight my abusive ex.
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Posted By: self

Not all Heroes needing assistance are able to be matched successfully with a specific non-profit partner. In these instances the Coordinated Assistance Network allows Heroes to self post their request on the isupportveterans.org platform so that private donations can be collected for their specific need.