I am unemployed, my disability payment from the VA does not cover my rent. I have no savings or family that can assist further.
I am an Unemployed Disabled Veteran; I have not been able to work since 11/23. I had to have emergency abdominal surgery January 16th, I had Sepsis, and multiple health issues keeping me in the hospital with last discharge on February 26th. I have had multiple road bumps since my surgery, I am unable to do work outside my home at this time, I have multiple follow up VA appts as well. I deal with ongoing fatigue and poor appetite; I struggle to do activities in the home due to the fatigue and related health issues. I am requesting any assistance towards my rent payment or other bills. I have been homeless before; I do not want to be evicted from my apartment.
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Posted By: self

Not all Heroes needing assistance are able to be matched successfully with a specific non-profit partner. In these instances the Coordinated Assistance Network allows Heroes to self post their request on the isupportveterans.org platform so that private donations can be collected for their specific need.