VA is taking overpay money
I received a letter dated the 19th of July 2021 from the VA stating that I was overpaid by $8685.15. And because of that I cannot pay this month’s rent. The rent is $950/ month. Even though I am rated by the VA at 100% disabled, this sudden shift in taking away funds left me without rent money. I have paid off all my other bills, but the rent money always comes 3 days later. I have been homeless before in Phoenix during summer and winter months. That finally stopped when I got married to my wife Constance. We had a daughter Shoshannah, and all was well for a while. Then my daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2011. In 2016 she passed away. That was a devastating blow to both of us. To make matters worse, Constance passed away in 2020 from a heart attack. My PTSD has worsened because of these tragedies. I can’t think how I could ever cope If I’m on the streets. I humbly ask that I be granted the funds to stay so as to not become homeless. With appreciation, Erich W. Raulfeston
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Posted By: self

Not all Heroes needing assistance are able to be matched successfully with a specific non-profit partner. In these instances the Coordinated Assistance Network allows Heroes to self post their request on the isupportveterans.org platform so that private donations can be collected for their specific need.