I have been unemployed due to covid for 6 months now.
I am a Marine Corp's veteran. I am diagnosed with PTSD, TBI, as well as several other disabilities. I worked construction up until the beginning of last year, and my boss did not need me anymore because he had to let people go due to covid. I looked for work for several months and found a job at a covid shelter making good money. The shelter closed down august last year and I have been looking for work since. I am really struggling right now and everything is building up and need help with my rent. The amount due will be $803 on the 5th of April. Kansas unemployment owes me over $7000 since december of 2020 like thousands of other Kansans. They paid out millions to fraud and now people have been waiting to get paid what they are owed. My taxes are still being processed, and this is the first time ever I have not received them in 21 days in my life and I'm 34. I have my legislatures, Jeff Pitmann, Pat Proctor, as well as others trying to help just to get a call back from Kansas department of labor. I have not been able to reach them for months. Everything is adding up and I'm looking at being evicted. I have no one and will be homeless. I lived in my car last summer and in a hotel before I found this place. I have money coming but my landlords will not work with me. They tried to evict me last month but I had to sell stuff to come up with the money. I can stay at the domiciliary at the VA but admissions will not be till mid may if I am accepted. I do not know what to do and I just need some help. If someone can help me with this months rent I will be caught up. I do not party, i do not do drugs, I do not eat out, and I have nothing else to sell. I put applications in for work every week on indeed and can not find anything. Thank you for your time.
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Posted By: self

Not all Heroes needing assistance are able to be matched successfully with a specific non-profit partner. In these instances the Coordinated Assistance Network allows Heroes to self post their request on the isupportveterans.org platform so that private donations can be collected for their specific need.