Recently unable to pay rent
I got laid off in March after the company I spent 10 years at, first company after the military, was sold and bought by a different company. I was on unemployment for 6 months after applying everywhere and going to a handful for interviews I was able to land a part time position at an organization that helps veterans with the disability claims. I also do Lyft but my car is in pretty bad shape mechanically, I have 2 school aged daughters who depend on me to provide for but lately I feel as if the world is caving down and it has been one thing after another. I have replaced my battery, alternator, starter, will replace my rear tires soon, but I have very bad leaks that need attention as well. I try my hardest everyday to have a smile so my daughter do not see me unhappy. I donate plasma regularly to to to get cash to buy the things we need as far as toiletries. I owe a lot monthly and do not make enough to cover things. I am still applying at jobs but do not hear back.
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Posted By: self

Not all Heroes needing assistance are able to be matched successfully with a specific non-profit partner. In these instances the Coordinated Assistance Network allows Heroes to self post their request on the isupportveterans.org platform so that private donations can be collected for their specific need.